Administrative Wage Garnishment Background for Individuals
Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG) is a debt collection process that allows a federal agency to order a non-federal employer to withhold up to 15 percent of an employee's disposable income to pay a nontax delinquent debt owed to the agency.
(Not an individual? Click for administrative wage garnishment information for employers or for federal agencies.)
You may request a hearing if you believe that you do not owe the debt, disagree with the amount that the government claims you owe, or if the proposed garnishment would cause a financial hardship. If you are claiming financial hardship, a financial statement with supporting documentation must be submitted with the hearing request form (which can be downloaded below).
If you have filed for bankruptcy and it includes an automatic bankruptcy stay, please let us know immediately. We will not garnish your pay while the stay is in effect.
Also, let us know if you have not held your current job for at least 12 months, and you were involuntarily separated from your last job. We’ll need you to provide documentation about your involuntary termination, such as a letter from your employer stating the reason for your termination.
Fiscal Service Contact Information
- Debt Recovery Analyst: 1-888-826-3127
- Federal Relay Service for hearing impaired (TDD): 1-800-877-8339
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
P.O. Box 830794
Birmingham, AL 35283-0794