Administrative Wage Garnishment for Agencies
Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG) is a debt collection process that allows a federal agency to order a non-federal employer to withhold up to 15 percent of an employee's disposable income to pay a delinquent non-tax debt owed to the agency.
(Not a federal agency? Click for administrative wage garnishment information for individuals or for employers.)
Preparing AWG
The federal agency owed a delinquent non-tax debt is referred to as the "Creditor Agency." The Creditor Agency (or Fiscal Service, acting on the Creditor Agency’s behalf) must complete Standard Form 329 and mail all parts (SF-329A, SF-329B, SF-329C, and SF-329D) of the form to the employer of the individual who owes the delinquent non-tax debt to the Creditor Agency.
Terminating AWG
Creditor Agencies may terminate an AWG order by sending Standard Form 329E (Notice of Termination of an AWG order) to the debtor’s employer. Once a Wage Garnishment Order for an employee is terminated, the employer must discontinue deductions immediately. The Notice of Termination applies only to the Wage Garnishment Order issued by the Creditor Agency with the assigned Creditor Agency Tracking Number referenced in the Notice. For questions about terminating AWG, contact Fiscal Service using the contact information below.
Fiscal Service Contact Information
- Debt Recovery Analyst: 1-888-826-3127
- Federal Relay Service for hearing impaired (TDD): 1-800-877-8339
- AWGQuestions@fiscal.treasury.gov
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
P.O. Box 830794
Birmingham, AL, 35283-0794