Surety Bonds
New Treasury Regulations for the Surety Bond Program – 31 CFR 223
The revised regulations are effective August 9, 2024 and applications are now being accepted for two new categories of reinsurers - Complementary and Alien. Please refer to the Implementation Guide for additional information. To apply as a Complementary or Alien Reinsurer, please see the Getting Started section of the menu. Direct any questions to the Surety Bond Branch at Surety.Bonds@fiscal.treasury.gov.
Press release (August 9, 2024 updated from July 31, 2024)
Among other things, the Final Rule updates the term of Certificates of Authority and recognition as a reinsurer in CFR sections 223.3 and 223.12, respectively.
For more information see the Summary of Extension Dates.
The Bureau of the Fiscal Service administers the surety bond program for the federal government under 31 U.S.C. 9304-9308 for companies who wish to:
- directly write federal bonds
- reinsure federal bonds
- be recognized as an Admitted Reinsurer, Complementary Reinsurer, or Alien Reinsurer for the companies who directly write or reinsure federal bonds
Find Companies
The Department Circular 570 offers a complete list of companies that write or reinsure federal bonds. Circular 570 was updated on July 1, 2024. Other listings are also provided below.
Certified Companies
Certified Reinsurer Companies
Pools & Associations
State Insurance Departments
Admitted Reinsurers
Complementary Reinsurers
Alien Reinsurers
Overseas Accredited/Trusteed Reinsurers
Lloyd’s Syndicates
Circular 570, Notes and Footnotes
Important Notification for Applications
The Surety Bond program no longer accepts paper submissions - all submissions must be sent electronically by e-mail. For more detailed instructions, visit the Getting Started page for your application type: Alien Insurers, Authorized Pool/Associations, Admitted Reinsurers, Authorized Surety/Reinsurer of Federal Bonds, or Complementary Reinsurers.
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