Related Publications
- The Financial Report of the United States Government provides information about government financial operations on the accrual basis.
- The Treasury Bulletin contains a mix of narrative, tables, and charts on Treasury issues, federal financial operations, international statistics, and special reports such as Liabilities and Other Financial Commitments of the United States government.
- The Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays and Balances of the United States Government Report is recognized as the official publication of receipts and outlays. All other federal government reports containing similar data must be in agreement with the Combined Statement. It presents budgetary results at the summary level.
- The Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States contains detailed information about the public debt.
- Information on the federal budget, historical tables, and the budget system and concepts can be found by visiting the Office of Management and Budget's website.
- Recent editions of the Budget of the United States Government and the Economic Report of the President can be accessed directly through the Office of Management and Budget via the GPO Federal Digital System.
- The Monthly Budget Review, providing discussion, analysis and estimates of the deficit, and information on other current budget topics, is available through the Congressional Budget Office's website.