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Treasury Bank Mentor-Protégé Program

Treasury Bank Mentor-Protégé Program

In Fiscal Year 2018, the Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service established the Treasury Bank Mentor-Protégé Program (TBMPP) to set up relationships between America's largest commercial banks as mentors and small banks as protégés.

The program was established to recognize and promote the important role played by small banks and financial institutions (FIs) in the nation’s economy and financial system.

The collective network of America's banks, large and small, is a national strength that is important for our economy to work well. Many small banks and FIs play a vital role in promoting the economic viability of the communities they serve, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. The need for safeguarding, transferring, lending, and exchanging money, and evaluating creditworthiness is a common denominator for small and large businesses, local communities, and our citizens.

The TBMPP offers a platform for large commercial financial institutions to partner with a protégé and provide management and technical assistance to help small FIs to strengthen their balance sheets and better serve their customers.

The Mission

To pair large and small banks to cultivate a broader pool of financial institutions that have the ability, skills, and knowledge to provide services on behalf of Treasury, and support preserving these small banks through the mentorship of private sector business growth and development programs.

The Concept

The Treasury Bank Mentor Protégé Program was established to expand the pool of financial institutions that could serve as financial agents. In this light, the goal is to bring together large banks that serve as Financial Agents to Treasury or are industry leaders as mentors to create alliances with talented, capable small banks and financial institutions as protégés to:

  • prepare them to perform as a financial agent or to improve the capacity to provide services to Treasury customers
  • expand the options available to Fiscal Service to execute programs and
  • provide leadership and program development


  • There are a small number of FIs who provide services to Fiscal Service as designated financial agents (FAs). Fiscal Service uses FAs to provide financial services focusing on collections, securities, and payment transactions such as checks, wires, ACH, and payment cards. We also engage FAs to provide innovation, customer support, data management, analytics, and asset management. To ensure the U.S. Government manages finances and resources well, it is important to identify a full and capable pool of FAs from large and small banks and other financial institutions.

Guiding Principles

  • Voluntary Participation - Under the TBMPP, mentor FAs voluntarily help protégé FIs in growing their businesses and competing for FA opportunities. Protégés volunteer to participate in the program and are responsive to the mentor.
  • Foster New Partnerships - Greater participation in FASPs by small FIs to expand the base of FIs that respond to solicitations or are in responses to solicitations.
  • Start Proactive Efforts  - To engage the small FI network through organizations to establish relationships and platforms for regular information sharing. These organizations include: the National Bankers Association, the American Bankers Association, the Independent Community Bankers of America, and the National Credit Union Association.  
  • Growth Promotion - Access to knowledge training leading to professional growth by partnering with mentors in the banking industry.

The Role of the Fiscal Service

The Fiscal Service will champion the TBMPP in several ways. Fiscal Service officials will:

  • set up meetings between prospective mentors and protégés,
  • communicate the basic tenets and principles of the program,
  • conduct outreach and education to small banks and FIs,
  • speak about the program to interested parties at various events,
  • encourage small banks and FIs to participate in the TBMPP.

Summary of the Protégé Opportunities Provided by Mentors

US Bank

  • SBA PPP Purchases
  • US Treasury Learning Opportunities
  • Access to ATM Network
  • Credit Card Partnership

JP Morgan

  • Access to capital initiatives
  • Revenue sharing through Empower asset class to spur new client acquisition
  • Development and execution of strategic growth plan through JP Morgan internal partners (Advancing Black Pathways and Service Corps), Co-bidding for FAAs and other government opportunities (on going)

BNY Mellon

  • Loan Participation
  • Account Validation Service

PNC Bank

  • US Treasury Learning Opportunities
  • US Treasury Contract Opportunities

Citi Bank

  • Equity Investments
  • SBA PPP Purchases
  • US Treasury Contract Opportunities
  • Loan Participation
  • Citi Secondment Program
  • Loan Syndication

Last modified 01/31/25