eCollections: No-Cash No-Check Policy Discussion
Federal agency employees
Mon, Dec. 12, 2016 | 1:30 pm ET
Hosted by:
Revenue Collections Management
Point of Contact:
ARM@fiscal.treasury.govEvent Details:
Did you know there is a policy available that supports agencies who want to minimize cash or check collections? It's called the "Agency's No-Cash or No-Check Policy", Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Bulletin No. 2014-08.
Several agencies have implemented the policy and are now enjoying the many benefits of electronic collections. Come join us for this webinar to get a better understanding of the Agency's No-Cash or No-Check Policy and hear from the first agency that implemented the policy!
During this webinar they will discuss their strategy, the challenges they faced and the victories they achieved on their road to a successful implementation. Don't miss this opportunity to hear their experience and see if your agency can take advantage of the shared knowledge.
Topics to include:
- eCollections overview
- Agencies No-Cash or No-Check Policies overview
- Agency Experience
Registration will be open until the sessions are full.