Agency Outreach
The reclassification project started with the agency outreach phase. The Bureau of Fiscal Service is conducting an evaluation of the CARS reclassification process. This evaluation is designed to assess reclassifications to identify best practices and areas of improvement. This is a great opportunity to collaborate with Treasury in our CARS Reclassification Modernization (CRM) project.
Treasury is contacting Agency Location Codes (ALCs) contacts that reported a reclassification in fiscal year 2019 to solicit feedback and to document reclassification scenarios reported for a month selected by Treasury. We encourage all ALCs that report reclassifications to participate in this project. It is important to share your input and help improve the reclassification process in CARS to enhance the customer experience and improve CARS reclassifications/reporting.
Part of this endeavor includes identifying the types of transactions being reported and the reasons why these reclassifications are being reported, including defining the scenario and source cause. During this process the CRM team has established relationships with our CARS reclassification federal agency customers, collaborating to understand what is being reported, and working toward developing and strengthening reclassifications with customer needs in mind.
During this phase of the project, the CRM team will:
- Meet and work with every agency to provide the reclassification overview
- Work with every agency to develop a total understanding of the agency’s reclassifications by filling out the reclassification template and questionnaire
- Coordinate discussions between agency and Fiscal Service program areas
- Work with agencies to address their needs
- Meet with agencies to review template progress, including final review
- Provide CARS development progress
If you are the contact for an ALC that reported a reclassification, the CRM team would like to speak with you.
621 ALCs were identified that reported reclassification to CARS. The CRM team is working diligently to meet and work with this group. The attached spreadsheet outlines our progress:
- Agency Outreach – where we are at as of 01.31.2022
After the first meeting with the agency, the CRM Team will provide the ALC contact the reclassification template to document reclassification scenarios.
The CRM team will use the information collected to document the “Reasons to Reclass”. This information will help Treasury identify and develop solutions to reduce the reasons the agency has to reclassify.