Treasury :: Financial Management Service
Enterprise Data Architecture

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The navigation menu (that typically goes here) represents how the XML is represented. The folders will reflect the path that shows how you got to the current web page. The current web page will show the active element and it's children element (if any) in different color.
The text (that typically goes here) represents information about the XML Schema document. This is analagous to the version or release number of this XML Schema. The XML Schema documents a collection of files that may or may not have multiple namespaces. The namespace value in this section represents the primary schema version for this collection.

The text (that typically goes here) represents the annotation of the schema element. This is usually a business definition that was provided by the business team who requested this element. The definitions are meant to provide purpose and meaning.

Element Information
The text (that typically goes here) represents information about the element that has been pulled from the XML Schema documentation. Where appropriate, the text here will describe either current parent-related metadata - for example, cardinality and multiplicity - or current children-related metadata - for example, type of content model.

Attribute Information
The text (that typically goes here) represents information about the attributes associated to this element. Where appropriate, the data table here will list the attributes - to sort the table, click on the columns headings.

For help, please contact the Treasury FMS Enterprise Data Architecture team.
Last Updated: 2009-04-22T08:13:32.826-04:00